What are probiotics and why do different probiotic strains matter? 

Probiotics are no stranger to most of us – they are good bacteria essential for our gut and immune health!

But did you know that different probiotic strains have distinct functions and can benefit our health differently?

Continue this read to learn more about probiotics!

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacteria

Lactobacillus vs. Bifidobacterium: What’s the difference?  

If you’ve taken probiotic supplements, you would have most probably seen either of these two terms.

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the two most commonly used bacteria in probiotic supplements. They reside in different parts of our digestive tract and their different species may provide different health benefits.

Let’s take a quick look at their differences!


This bacterium resides in the stomach, small intestine and large intestine of the digestive tract.

Lactobacillus promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria

Lactobacillus promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria and produces lactic acid to discourage the growth of harmful bacteria. This helps to maintain the bacteria balance in our gut, which supports our immune system.

A balanced gut flora also helps to support a healthier digestive system and promote smoother bowel movements!


Bifidobacterium is more commonly found in the large intestine and helps to break down carbohydrates and produces short-chain fatty acids.

Bifidobacterium helps to break down carbohydrates

These fatty acids help to promote the growth of the cells that make up our gut lining. A healthy gut lining ensures effective nutrient absorption from food and prevents harmful bacteria and toxins from entering our body.

In a nutshell, both are known to help support our gut and immune health and reduce symptoms of digestive disorders. 

What are probiotic strains and their benefits? 

With the numerous probiotic options out there, how do you know which ones to choose? One way is to look at the probiotic strains used!  

Probiotic Strains - Genus, Species, Strain

There are 3 parts of probiotic identification starting with the Genus name, followed by a Species name and lastly a Strain name. Probiotic strain names may appear a little complex, but they’re actually really easy to understand! Let’s break down the meaning of the strain names: 

Genus: This is the most general category. Each genus contains one or more species.   

Species: A species is a sub-type of the genus with similar characteristics. 

Strain: A strain offers specific benefits that give the probiotic its specific function.   

For example, within the lactobacillus genus, there are different types of species and if you further break it down, you will find different strain types too.  

Different probiotic strains provide different health benefits, which is why it’s important to know what you are looking for.

Strain names are important because clinical studies found on one strain cannot be applied to another strain.  

An effective probiotics supplement is one that combines different probiotic strains thoughtfully according to their clinical studies to achieve the desired benefit.

What are the 5 probiotic strains used in LB-30?  

With 30 billion probiotic cultures* in this multi-strain formula, this supplement helps to support your immune and gut health. Here’s a rundown of the 5 strains in LB-30:  

*Delivers a minimum of 30 billion active probiotics at time of manufacture. 

Infographic of 5 probiotic strains in LB-30

What’s unique about LB-30?  

Do you know?

Many probiotics don’t survive the journey from the mouth to the digestive system as the acidic gastric environment could cause the probiotic strains to break down before it reaches the gut.

This means your body doesn’t get to enjoy all the benefits that probiotics offer.

LB-30 probiotic strains with patented 5-layer nano-coating

The probiotic strains in LB-30 are protected with a patented 5-layer nano-coating to ensure that they survive in our gastric environment.

The coating disintegrates only when the probiotics reach the small intestine, guaranteeing more benefits for your body!


Pair LB-30 with Broculin to provide additional support for your digestive health!

Probiotics and prebiotics working together

Broculin is a prebiotic supplement that contains chicory root extract, which is one of the richest natural source of inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS).

The coupling of probiotics and prebiotics helps to ensure a right balance of good bacteria in our gut!

Have any other questions about LB-30? Leave it down below and we’ll answer it!  

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