Improve your digestive health by starting on these 4 habits

The occasional stomach discomfort happens to everyone. But if you’ve been experiencing them more frequently, other than a doctor’s visit, it may be time to take a closer look at your lifestyle habits. Keep reading for four simple lifestyle habits you can kick start to improve your digestive health!  

4 habits to improve your digestive health

1. Take in enough fibre in your diet

It’s a known fact that dietary fibre helps food move through our digestive system and prevent constipation. People who have high-fibre diets are often linked to reduced digestion related illnesses and constipation.

High fibre food

There are two types of fibre – soluble and insoluble fibre, and they provide different benefits for our body.  

Soluble fibre

Soluble fibre dissolves easily in water and creates a gel-like substance that aids digestion. It also helps to reduce blood cholesterol and sugar, and improve blood glucose control that helps to reduce the overall risk of diabetes.  

Insoluble fibre

Insoluble fibre does not dissolve, even as food passes through the digestive tract. It promotes better bowel health as it keeps our bowel movements soft and regular, preventing constipation. 

It is important to have both types of fibre in our daily diet. Here are some high-fibre food sources:  

Foods high in fibre

2. Drink enough water

Water plays an equally essential role as fibre in maintaining our digestive health. Sufficient water intake promotes smooth bowel movements, which reduces the risk of constipation.

Drink enough water helps in digestion



Made with natural Okinawan coral sand, SangoCal helps to maintain your water at an alkaline pH level and replenishes your water with essential minerals and trace elements. 

3. Get moving

Lack of movement may lead to more frequent constipation. Do you know? Constipation is a common problem among those with desk bound jobs.

Walking aid digestion

Walking after a meal aids digestion by helping your food travel better through your digestive tract. Put a reminder in your phone to take regular walks every few hours so you don’t forget. Time to get moving!

4. Include probiotics and prebiotics in your diet

Probiotics are live bacteria that help to improve our gut and digestive system. On the other hand, prebiotics are a form of dietary fibre that probiotics feed on. The two work together to help maintain the good balance of the bacteria in our gut. 

Here are two Avance prebiotics and probiotics supplement that can help support your digestive health: 





Several probiotics are easily destroyed by our stomach acid and do not survive to pass through our intestines. The probiotics in LB-30 are protected by a patented 5-layer nano-coating that provides additional protection against external aggressors and the gastric environment.

This coating disintegrates only after the probiotics reach the small intestine, ensuring the benefits get to your gut. The tasty yoghurt-flavoured powder also makes it a joy to consume, even for children!  

*Delivers a minimum of 30 billion active probiotics at time of manufacture.  

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